LOKI is a design studio working at the intersections of graphic design, cultural production, and social change.
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Design Against Design Book Launch Posters
Critical Media Lab
Visual Identity and website
➝ criticalmedialabmcgill.com
Website design by Jean Julien Hazoumé
FYEAR (2024)
Artwork, typographic design, live visuals, and video clips for the inaugural album by FYEAR.
➝ via Constellation Records

Briarpatch Magazine
Visual identity, art direction, and editorial design template for the magazine of politics and culture.
➝ briarpatchmagazine.com
Films Against Capitalism
Online archive of video artist Melanie Gilligan’s PhD thesis work.
➝ films-against-capitalism.com
The Regulation of Desire
Cover design for Concordia University Press.
In collaboration with Heather Lynn
Big Fight in Little Chinatown film poster (alternate version)
Cinema Politica
Visual identity, website and communications design for the political documentary screening network.
➝ cinemapolitica.org
Parapraxis Website
Art direction and design for Parapraxis, a new online and print magazine whose mission is to “reinvigorate leftist psychoanalytic thought in the academy and the clinic.”
➝ parapraxismagazine.com
In collaboration with Crisis studio.
Wet Dream
Book design for Erin Robinsong’s collection of ecopoetic thinking.
Poster/programme design for LFDT’s collection of short dance performances directed by choreographer Wynn Holmes.
The Future of Work
Exhibition identity graphics for the The Future of Work: Parallel Economies exhibition at the Art Gallery of Burlington.
Defund la Police
Website design for the coalition of over 80 community organisations advocating for the defunding of the Montreal police force (SPVM) and reinvestment in community models of safety.
➝ defundthespvm.com
Montreal Anarchist Bookfair 2022 Poster
ConStellation Magazine OUT
Publication design for Stella’s ConStellation issue featuring information, resources, and sex workers’ stories about coming out (or not).
Illustrations by Katianne Bérubé Mimeault
Centrefold photo by Bonjour Boudoir
Dope Guide
Design of Stella’s guide to sex work, drugs and alcohol.
Original illustrations by Seripop
Le Sigh
Visual identity and website design for an online exhibition space and art magazine presenting creative conversations on time-based contemporary art practices.
➝ le-sigh.com
Visual identity and poster designs for the 2022 edition of the Montreal Printed Art Festival.
➝ faimtl.ca
The Centre Cannot Hold
Immersive online platform for performing artists and cultural workers exploring new models of inclusive practice.
➝ centrecannothold.com
In collaboration with Johnelle Smith
Small Stones (excerpt)
Typographic and visual design of the video poem Small Stones commissioned for the Listening, Sound, Agency Symposium.
➝ view the full poem here
Created in collaboration with poet Kaie Kellough, musician Jason Sharp and Sarah Auches (editing and animation).
Dream of No One but Myself
Book design for David Bradford’s debut collection of prose poems, self-erasures, verse, and photo cut-ups. Published by Brick Books.
The Breach
Visual identity and website design for the Canadian independent media outlet producing adversarial, movement-based, investigative journalism.
➝ breachmedia.ca
In collaboration with Indiegraf
Art direction by Andira Hernandez
Logos for the Moving Image Research Lab, CORERISC, La GID, and Lab delta.

The Philanthropist Journal
Positioning and communications strategy, visual identity design and art direction for the longstanding journal of record for the Canadian non-profit sector.
➝ thephilanthropist.ca
Website by Sasha Endoh Code & Design and Melissa Jean Clark
The Good Arabs
Book cover design for Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch’s collection of poetry.
Illustration by Lee Lai
Festival de la Imagen
Poster design for the 20th edition of the Festival Internacional de la Imagen in Manizales, Colombia.
In collaboration with Oliver Vodeb
Performance visuals with Kaie Kellough and Jason Sharp presented at the Aga Khan Museum as part of the X Avant New Music Festival.
➝ watch on Youtube
Black Matters
Design for the collaborative book of poetry and photographs by Halifax’s poet laureate Afua Cooper and photographer Wilfried Raussert focused on everyday Black experiences.
Exhibition platform for la Galerie de l’UQAM’s 2020-21 exhibition cycle featuring four different curatorial projects and 16 artists.
In collaboration with Johnelle Smith
soul, with a difference
Design of the online exhibition curated by Ronald Rose-Antoinette at articule.
➝ articule.org/soul
Poster design in support of the 10 Days of Abolition campaign.
ConStellation Magazine 25th Anniversary Edition
Publication design for the special issue celebrating the 25-year history of Stella, the sex workers’ rights organization.
Cover illustration by Laura la Libertine
Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy
Visual Identity, Website Design and Editorial Illustrations for the research centre examining how media and emerging technologies shape democracy.
➝ mediatechdemocracy.com
Montreal Anarchist Bookfair 2020 Poster
More Powerful Together
Summary report of activist and researcher Jen Gobby’s doctoral thesis on climate justice and land defense movements.
➝ Download PDF
Open Justice
Film exhibition website for the Social Justice Institute, curated by Ronald-Rose Antoinette.
➝ openjustice.ca
Book designs for Black Rose Books, CCOV, ARP Books, and Metonymy Press.
No More Fucking Pipelines
Anti-pipeline poster created in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en struggle against the CGL pipeline project.
Anticolonial poster targeting the genocidal legacy of John A. Macdonald.
Les pensionnats indiens au Québec
Popular education booklet on the history and legacy of residential schools in Québec.
In collaboration with Larry D and Colonoscopie Distro
Fashion design and editorial against the CAQ government and its discriminatory Loi 21.
Photography by Võ Thiên Viêt
Models: Sophie, Indira, Thy Anne
Justice for Nicholas Gibbs
Placard and banner design for a vigil commemorating the one-year anniversary of the death of Nicholas Gibbs at the hands of the SPVM in 2018.
Photography by Ion Etxebarria
Protests and Pedagogy
Visual identity and communications material for the Protests and Pedagogy conference marking the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Sir George Williams Computer Centre Occupation.
Live typographic projections as part of a multi-instrumental performance work.
Performed with Kaie Kellough, Jason Sharp, Tanya Evanson, Joe Grass, JahSun, Stef Schneider.
Nation Magazine
Website design for the most-trusted Indigenous news source serving the Cree of James Bay.
➝ nationnews.ca
In collaboration with KNGFU
Montreal International Poetry Prize
Visual identity and website design for the biennial poetry competition.
➝ montrealpoetryprize.com
Visual poem mapping text to the path of the Essequibo river, created for Kaie Kellough’s poetry collection Magnetic Equator.
Sounding the City
Graphic design for the sound art project by Jen Reimer and Max Stein encompassing online and physical exhibition spaces, publications and communications materials.
➝ soundingthecity.com
Website development by Max Stein
Book designs for Book*hug Press, ARP Books, and Metonymy Press.
Max Bell School of Public Policy
Positioning, strategy and visual identity design for the new school of public policy at McGill University.
Documentary Futurism
Visual identity, website and communications material for Cinema Politica’s Documentary Futurism project, a programme of 15 short films tackling the realities and imaginaries of tomorrow.
➝ documentaryfuturism.ca
Food / Media / Crisis
Event poster for a Memefest workshop on media theory and food politics at Pomona College, California.
Workshop delivered as part of Memefest in collaboration with Oliver Vodeb.
Island Soldier film poster
Fraction poster
MAI | Montréal, arts interculturels
Website design for the MAI, a multi-faceted arts organization committed to the development, creation, presentation and promotion of intercultural arts and exchange.
➝ m-a-i.qc.ca
In collaboration with Sasha Endoh Code & Design and Atelier Mille Mille
Mouvement Courtepointe
Visual identity for an initiative bringing together community actors in the Centre-Sud neighbourhood of Montreal in a spirit of creativity, solidarity, and collaboration.
➝ mouvementcourtepointe.ca
In collaboration with KNGFU
Logo for the band LIFT (Love In Future Times).
Logo for the RCLALQ (Regroupement des comités logement et associations de locataires du Québec).
Logo for Brique X Brique, a community housing project in Park Extension, Montreal.
Logo for EDI consultancy Humans & Company.
Logo for Courage, a coalition of the independent left.
Logo for sound designer Christian Olsen.
Logo for Espace Ville Autrement.
MTL sans profilage
Social media campaign and community development based on a youth-led research report on police profiling in the St-Michel neighbourhood of Montreal.
➝ fb.com/mtlsansprofilage
In collaboration with KNGFU and St-Michel youth
Illustrations by Maylee Keo
Pas de racistes dans nos quartiers
Anti-racist / antifascist popular education pamphlet designed to counter the presence and actions of the far-right in Québec.

Make Racists Afraid Again
Anti-racist / antifascist fashion design and editorial.
Photography by Pablo Aracena
Models: Andi, Sophie, Chachi
Jason Sharp, A Boat Upon its Blood
Album artwork for Constellation Records.
Art + Anarchy 2017 Exhibition Poster
Howl Arts Festival 2017 Poster
Status Now
Campaign and protest visuals for the Non-Status Women’s Collective based on the white masks and shrouds they use to denounce the invisibility in which they live and haunt those in power for change.
In collaboration with Zola and Lolo Sirois
Visual identity development, seasonal programming calendars, website and communications materials for the artist-run centre articule.
➝ articule.org
les éditions du remue-ménage
Visual identity and website design for the leading francophone feminist publishing house in North America.
➝ editions-rm.ca
In collaboration with Sasha Endoh Code & Design
Al Jazeera: Life On Hold
Immersive web documentary about the struggle of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The site features intimate portraits of ten refugees alongside fragments of memories and daily life.
➝ lifeonhold.aljazeera.com
In collaboration with KNGFU
Visual identity and website design for the activist film collective.
➝ groupeepopee.net

World (War) Music International Incorporated Inc.
Satirical campaign (street posters and promo video) for WWMII Inc., a fictive record label created as a critique of the whiteness of the performance art world.
An Artivistic Collective project
Commissioned by VIVA! Art Action
We Are All Very Anxious / the Precari-Tee
Conceptual t-shirt designs to accompany the text We Are All Very Anxious by the Institute for Precarious Consciousness.
Photography by Julie Lagenegger Lachance
Models: Jenni, Sophie, Thiên
Don’t Let the Fuckers Get You Down
Poster series in defence of riots against police violence (in Ferguson and elsewhere).
Unite Against Austerity / May Day 2015
Campaign and protest graphics
In collaboration with Ryan Hayes and Justseeds (Toronto)